Blooming Gardening Opportunity

Opportunity Details

Environmental Justice, BLOOMING in all Directions!

It’s collaborative, transformative, life-giving, multi-generational and multi-cultural, . . . Interested? Read on!

Imagine a Charlotte neighborhood with flourishing community gardens, one in a popular city park, and the other behind a CMS middle school. Imagine dozens of UNC-Charlotte students enthusiastically volunteering their time to nurture the gardens, as well as the youth in the park and in the middle school. Imagine a vibrant Farmers Market building community. Imagine Johnson C. Smith’s program supplying the garden seedlings, and Lowe’s supplying the needed tools for those flourishing gardens. Imagine. . . .

It’s all happening, and MOJO’s Environmental Justice Group is in the middle of it.

Come nurture your body and your soul. Join us in this exciting effort. Clearing and planting the gardens begins the week of August 19. Contact Paula Fricke for details on joining this nourishing effort.