"Poverty is the worst kind of violence"
-Mahatma Ghandi
The MOJO Economic Justice group affirms that our faith calls us to respond to economic injustice and to advocate for those among us harmed by inequity. Our economy can only be more successful if the goal is to achieve an equitable outcome that strives to build communities where everyone is supported in living healthy, safe and sustainable lives. Our faith teaches us that our worth and dignity is inherent in our humanity, not dependent on economic status yet our society teaches us the opposite. Economic Justice is about an economy that builds the common good and invests in it.
The MOJO Economic Justice group affirms that our faith calls us to respond to economic injustice and to advocate for those among us harmed by inequity. Our economy can only be more successful if the goal is to achieve an equitable outcome that strives to build communities where everyone is supported in living healthy, safe and sustainable lives. Our faith teaches us that our worth and dignity is inherent in our humanity, not dependent on economic status yet our society teaches us the opposite. Economic Justice is about an economy that builds the common good and invests in it. We seek change by engaging in the following:
- Identify opportunities for church members to engage in Economic Justice Issues
- Provide educational opportunities for individual/personal economic justice actions
- Respond to immediate needs of vulnerable populations by a “Call to Action” for the congregation
- Identify and disseminate information to educate all generations about Economic Justice