We Finished Strong

January 18, 2024

The Finance Deacons and Board of Deacons are thrilled to report on the incredible generosity of the church family. Members and friends of MPBC generously gave over $300,000 in the month of December 2023, enabling the church to reduce its deficit to less than $1,500 at the end of the fiscal year. A year-end deficit is not ideal, but it is marginal and will be satisfied by using reserves on the balance sheet – a historical practice at MPBC. Additionally, the Finance Deacons and Board of Deacons gratefully acknowledge those who gave over and above their pledge in support of MPBC. This allowed MPBC to fully capitalize upon a $25,000 matching gift challenge from an anonymous donor.

Thank you for responding to the call to build your beloved community and ensure that MPBC is on solid financial footing entering 2024. This will allow MPBC to continue its transformative work on its campus and within the greater community.

Tags: financial resources

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