Circles of Elders

February 04, 2024

New Opportunity for Circles of Elders

For over two years, a small group of MPBC Seniors has been experimenting with a new concept, Circles of Elders.  Inspired by Mahan Siler and based on the work of Carl Jung and Jungian psychotherapist, Connie Zweig, Circles of Elders provide opportunities for Seniors to embark on a journey that supports the transition from Senior to Elder.  

Beginning the first of March, new Circles of Elders will be available for MPBC Seniors. The small groups of 6-8 will meet twice monthly via Zoom or in person or a combination of both and will be facilitated by Betsy Thigpen or Gary Hudson. Participants will commit to meeting March through May and then make the decision as to whether they wish to continue for an undefined period.  
A typical agenda for Circles of Elders:

  • Check-in (20 minutes)
  • Preparation for Silence (5 minutes)
  • Silence (5 minutes)
  • Naming, Reflecting, Sharing (40-50 minutes)
  • Sage-ing Update (10 minutes)
  • Blessing (5 minutes)

For more information on participating in a Circles of Elders, contact Betsy Thigpen, or Gary Hudson, .

Tags: small group, sage-ing adults

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