Children's Worship

We want to provide the best for children on Sundays. During the worship hour, our youngest children (newborn – kindergarten) are invited to childcare where they will play, have a snack and participate in activities with paid childcare staff.

At the same time, our first – fifth graders are invited to Children’s Worship for a time of learning, moving, and creating. Led by children’s ministry staff, children will engage with Bible stories in creative ways.

Our theme for April and May is Jesus says, “I’m with you. You’re never alone.” During Children’s Worship on Sundays, children will hear stories describing Jesus’ appearances to his disciples. Children may wonder about the disciples’ feelings and connect them to their own experiences. Jesus invites all of us to bear witness to God’s presence and power. 

Children’s Worship is moving up to the Youth Hall. Parents can pick up their children following worship at the Welcome Table in Heaton Hall Foyer. Please pick up your children before 11:15 am. 

If you have questions, please contact Tyra Bethea or Shaina Hinds

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