MOJO 2024 Financial Support

December 29, 2024

Our Ministry of Justice and Outreach finished the year strong by providing needed support to our partners and allies.

Economic Justice
MOJO provided funds to Advocacy partners, ActionNC and the Poor People’s Campaign. These funds are in addition to the funds and clothes provided by you for needy families in Pinewood Elementary and for a widow with eight children.

Education Justice
MOJO provided funds to our Activism partners Charlotte Bilingual Preschool and ASE Afterschool Program.

Environmental Justice
MOJO provided funds to our Activism partners TreesCharlotte and The Bulb and to our Advocacy partners Green Faith and the Southern Environmental Law Center.

Thank you for your financial support that made these gifts possible and for the time many of you have put in on the front lines in 2024!

Tags: outreach, environmental justice, mojo, economic justice, education justice

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