Children's Spiritual Growth


Every Sunday, from 09/15/2024 to 11/17/2024, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

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Myers Park Baptist Church’s Children’s Ministry is dedicated to creating space for children to develop their own understanding of God and faith while fostering an environment that inspires them to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly together with God.

We have four main value goals that we have based our children’s programming around this fall. 

This fall, programming is available for children of all ages centered on our children’s ministry values. Every Sunday, we offer childcare for ages birth through 5 years old, as well as Children’s Worship for grades kindergarten through 5th grade.

After Children’s Worship, we offer children’s Spiritual Growth for grades kindergarten through 5th grade. One Sunday each month, we will offer a time of fellowship for our families to come together and build organic community through a special activity. Join us for our next Social Sunday:

December 8 | Gingerbread house contest in the Youth Hall

The Sunday Schedule for Children

For ages birth to 5 years old

9:45 am -12:00 pm | Childcare | Childcare Room in the Cornwell Center

This time includes free play, organized play, and a snack. There are also occasional spiritual formation lessons for ages 3-5 years of age that are based on the theme of the children’s spiritual growth for the day or church calendar events. All activities are age appropriate. 

For Kindergarten to Fifth Grade

10:00 am | Join parents for worship | Sanctuary

10:15 am- 11:15 am | Join Children Worship leaders as they leave the Sanctuary to go to children’s worship in room 212 in the Education Building. Our Children’s Worship is led by Ms. Janice Davin.

Children’s Worship is centered on a traditional approach to teaching new topics. We aim to help children engage with scripture as they form their own beliefs and ideas about God and faith. 

11:15 am- 11:30 am | Snack and refresh break | Room 212 in the Educational Building

11:30 am - 12:00 pm | Children’s Spiritual Growth class | Room 212 in the Educational Building

For the Spiritual Growth hour, we affirm our commitment to creating an inclusive and diverse environment by introducing our children to people of faith who did great things because of their faith. The curriculum is called Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints by Daneen Akers. Examples of people explored in this curriculum are Bayard Austin, Rabbi Danya Ruttenburg, Gustavo Gutierrez, and more! Our Children's Fellowship is led by Ms. Janice Davin.

We hope you will join us for what will be an exciting year of growth and formation! If you have any questions, please reach out to Rev. Katie Suddeth at or Shaina Hinds, Director of Children’s Ministry, at

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