
Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 9:45 am

About the Event

All Church


9:45 am - 11:00 am | Preschool Childcare
10:00 am - 11:00 am | Worship | in-person in the Sanctuary and online 
10:10am - 11:00 am | Children's Worship
11:10 am - 12:00 pm | Sermon Talk Back
11:15 am | Coffee Fellowship in Heaton Hall Foyer
11:15 am | Children's Ministry Pizza on the Playground | Learn more

Preaching | Rev. Terry J. Stokes
Sermon| Whose Image is This?
Scripture | Matthew 22:15-22
Guest Musician | Shanka Pettis, soloist 

Worship Guide 

Stay following worship for Sermon Talk Back for discussion and a deeper dive into the sermon with the preacher of the day.

About or Guest Preacher

The Rev. Terry J. Stokes (he/they) is an anarchist theologian living on Munsee Lenape land in so-called Trenton, New Jersey. He holds degrees from Yale University and Princeton Theological Seminary and served in church ministry for several years before becoming a director of a youth development nonprofit. They are the author of Jesus and the Abolitionists: How Anarchist Christianity Empowers the People.

Here is information about the book

In Jesus and the Abolitionists, Stokes introduces readers to the ancient practice of anarchy and how it intersects with Christian beliefs and values. We see how beliefs about God, humanity, divine-human interaction, the Bible, and more can be illuminated and faithfully reformulated through an anarchist lens. Anarchist Christianity is a caring theology and practice of living, one based in our voluntary cooperation, the goodness of all people, and faith in God. We can build an ethical world--one built on structures of care--and anarchy might just be the unlikely key. 


If you aren't able to join us in-person, watch us online! We will live stream the worship service and you may watch using any of the following links: 

Click here to watch the Worship Service Live > 
Click here to watch our service on Facebook > 
Click here to watch our service on YouTube >  


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