Lent 2025

Lenten Worship Schedule
March 5 | Ash Wednesday
Drive through imposition of ashes will be available 8:00-9:00 am and 4:30-5:30 pm on the brick patio.
Imposition of ashes, communion, prayer and meditation will be available from 11:00 am - Noon in the Sanctuary.
Learn more >
March 9 | First Sunday of Lent
Rev. Dr. Joshua Hunt | Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of South Carolina | "Do You See This Woman?"
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March 16 | Second Sunday of Lent
Rev. Dr. Layne Smith preaching
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March 23 | Third Sunday of Lent
Rev. Carrie Veal
March 30 | Fourth Sunday of Lent
Rev. Dr. Layne Smith preaching
April 6 | Fifth Sunday of Lent
Rev. Dr. Layne Smith preaching
April 13 | Palm/Passion Sunday
Rev. Dr. Layne Smith preaching
This is one of our most beloved services. It starts off triumphantly with singing of joyous hymns, anthems, and the waving of palm branches, as we remember Jesus's welcomed entry into Jerusalem. The service ends with the procession of the cross accompanied by powerful music utilizing the organ and violin.
This procession includes the entire worshiping congregation following behind the cross of Jesus, which is raised in a prominent place on the front lawn of the sanctuary. Our final act of worship will be placing palms at the foot of the cross while singing. “O Sacred Head Now Wounded.”
April 18 | Good Friday
This is a Tenebrae Service, meaning “darkness" or "shadows." We will venture through the Stations of the Cross extinguishing a candle for each of the 8 Gospel readings as we hear the story of the passion and death of Jesus. Our musical response as each candle is extinguished reminds us of how the life of Jesus was slowly put out, and the light of the world began to fade, as Christ departed from it. The final words and candle will leave us in darkness.
April 20 | Easter/Resurrection Sunday
Rev. Dr. Bill Leonard preaching
Celebrate the resurrection and new life with us. The triumphant sounds of children ringing Alleluia bells, celebratory music of Carolina Brass, organ, choir, and uplifting sermon from our special guest preacher, Rev. Dr. Bill Leonard will fill us with joy and hope. Join us for a morning of worship and fellowship as we rejoice in this glorious season. Come early for a congregational breakfast provided by our AIDS Walk team as we raise funds in support of the RAIN. Join us at 9:00 am on the Brick Patio (Rain Plan - Heaton Hall Foyer).
Everything [in] Between
This Lent, our theme “Everything In Between” invites us to move beyond either/or thinking and embrace life’s complexity. Faith and works, rest and growth, grief and hope—what if these aren’t opposites, but places where God meets us?
Each Sunday, our Children’s Worship will explore this theme using an interactive, skit-based children’s curriculum that follows Jesus through Luke’s Gospel. Through storytelling, imaginative questioning, hands-on activities, and creative projects, children will engage deeply with the Lenten journey.
Lenten Devotional Booklets are available in worship and across campus, and the digital version has been sent via our Weekly Newsletter and is available below. We invite you to take time with these reflections and discover where God is present in the tension, the nuance, the unfolding journey, and everything in between.
Everything [In] Between Devotional Booklet
Seeking Creation by Creation Justice Ministries
During Lent, try a Carbon Fast to intentionally reduce your carbon consumption!
Recognize the energy in the food you eat, the fuel that powers your travel, and the electricity that lights your home. Small shifts--such as eating plant-based or regenerative meals, using public transportation, carpooling, walking, biking, lowering your thermostat, recycling, re-purposing, composting, reducing plastic use---all become acts of reverence for the energy systems that sustain us and the ecosystems they impact.
Seeking Creation Lenten Devotional Booklet